Hello Adeline


I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Thanks for watering the marigolds.
The kids enjoyed the brownies and the donuts.
Jennifer can drive you to your appointment on Tuesday.
Yes, let’s hope this winter doesn’t last for six months.
I can’t imagine the changes you’ve witnessed.
What was the best decade to live on Colfax Avenue?
Jennifer and I miss our grandparents, but you’ve lost so many more.
There’s never enough time, is there?
Matt, Chris and the Jeff are going to clean your gutters on Sunday.
I’m going to pick-up some good beer,
but I won’t bring it out until they’re done with the ladders.
Do you ever wonder about the cities you haven’t visited?
Did the raccoons wake you last night?
I was annoyed that the phone rang until I heard your voice.
Call us anytime.
We’re glad you’re feeling better.