The Catskills vs. The Future

Driving through Catskills overcast valley,
black twisted branches
above broken acorn forest ground.
Ancient-looking and obviously the inspiration
for Washington Irving’s daydreams.
It makes sense that Bob Dylan and the Band
did some of their best work here.

Then the valley opens.
The sun breaks through in distant patches
to illuminate succeeding mountain ranges.
Golden, high definition light on dark veils of rain
and verdant, almost Fall mountainsides.
Somehow we’ve driven into a Hudson River School painting.

“Unreal,” I say, “check out the mountains. They go on forever.”
But your eyes don’t rise.
You’re enthralled with your phone.
Someone is documenting something
which is more real to you
than driving through the Catskills.

You are a true friend.
I’ll always love you and
be in awe of your songwriting.
But, I’m going to slow down
so the Headless Horseman can snatch
the phone from your startled hands
and then disappear into the vast, primeval forest.